December 10th
Bret, Jemaine and James (co-creator/director) said “we’ve noticed the less we say about the future of the show, the more people want to talk about it, so in an effort to reverse this trend we are today announcing that we won’t be returning for a 3rd season. We’re very proud of the two seasons we made and we like the way the show ended. We’d like to thank everyone who helped make the show and also everyone who watched it. While the characters Bret and Jemaine will no longer be around, the real Bret and Jemaine will continue to exist.
Good on you guys.
Not an easy decision to make, I’m sure, but I think it was the right one. You made a wonderful tv show, and it wrapped up perfectly, you should be extremely proud of what you created.
You can do anything you want now, how exciting!!!
Much love xo
I’m proud of you three and the decision you’ve made. I’m sorry to hear that, but still, I must agree with you. The show is complete and so great I can watch it over and over again and never get bored. Thank you.
I’m happy “the real Bret and Jemaine will continue to exist”. This is something to be looking forward to – to see them at live shows, which is even better than on tv, though they’re still in characters in some way.
I can’t wait to see what their creative juices will produce…
*Bravo!* I loved how it ended as well and look forward to following the careers of real Jemaine and real Bret in their future endeavors!
Thanks for 2 seasons of one of the funniest shows that I’ve ever had the pleasure to watch and for all the great music as well. It’s also thanks to you that I’ve made some wonderful friends all over the world and have taken up the uke.
Best of luck in all you both choose to do!
Expected but still stings a little. Thanks guys for making us laugh for two seasons.
Bret and Jemaine you both are wildly talented Im really excited to see what other wonderful projects you all work on!
Good luck to you guys!
Thanks for the laughs, guys!
I can’t wait to see what future projects are in store for real Bret and real Jemaine.
Much love to you both!
aawww, we will miss the show, but no matter what you guys do it will be hilarious and always something to look forward to. Thank you for the brilliance of these two seasons, one of my favorite shows of all time.
I’m not crying. *sniff*
I am so excited for you guys and I cannot wait to see/hear what lies around the corner for you.
I will miss the show, but your ending was too perfect. Truly.
All the best, always! <3
Sad, sad news. Funniest show ever to grace the airways. I just hope you continue to write songs. I listen to both albums non stop on my ipod and the songs just get funnier and funnier. I just cant get enough of ya. PLEASE continue to tour. I am dying to see you perform live. Good luck to you both and enjoy some much needed R&R. You derserve it. CONGRATS Jemaine on your new baby. LOVE YOU GUYS.
I am determined to be sad about this announcement FOREVER. I respect your decision, and even admire your indomitable divergence, but it does nothing to alleviate my sorrow. The show was comedy genius and I mourn the loss of all the hilarity and creativity that we will miss out on. The dialog, the videos, the cameos and most of all the characters that you created were simply enchanting and brought great joy to my life. I hope that you will continue to write and perform as Flight of the Conchords. Tour dates might help me stop crying.
[…] From FOTC’s website: Bret, Jemaine and James (co-creator/director) said “we’ve noticed the less we say about the future of the show, the more people want to talk about it, so in an effort to reverse this trend we are today announcing that we won’t be returning for a 3rd season. We’re very proud of the two seasons we made and we like the way the show ended. We’d like to thank everyone who helped make the show and also everyone who watched it. While the characters Bret and Jemaine will no longer be around, the real Bret and Jemaine will continue to exist. […]
Sad news, but I totally understand the decision. Loved the way the show ended and it’s probably better to keep it like that.
It was a great show and I want to wish good luck for you guys in name of all you fans here in Brazil. =)
[…] And I found out today, that it won’t. […]
Sad, sad, sad. You guys were the best (only) good things left on HBO. I still have all your songs on my iPod, and will continue to enjoy your tunes for a long time. Your beloved characters will be sorely missed, but thanks for two great seasons, and by the way, please change your minds.
i am so so properly heart broken. you guys were bloody brilliant! still are I suppose. taking a ricky gervais move and ending on top. any chance for a christmas special?
I knew this was coming, but I had kind of hoped for more. Your seasons were amazing and your concert and meeting Jemaine were the best! Hopefully there will be at least another tour now that baby’s on the way! Congrats!
[…] när han bara har sitt konsulatarbete att luta sig mot, men han finner säkert sin väg i livet. [FOTC/NYTimes] — Mattias Hinderson […]
Maybe this warm, half-eaten pudding will make you reconsider…no? Oh well, all the best guys.
Wise choice – the two seasons you made were brilliant and you brought the story to an end in a good way.
Thank you for all the entertainment so far, now all we need is for you to bring your live show to Norway! Pretty please!
Good luck with all new projects, it will be very exciting to see what else you come up with in the future
Thank you guys for all the wonderfully talented efforts on your parts that put a smile on our faces and laughs in our hearts. The show will be greatly missed!
I look forward to bigger and better things from you in the future!
Totally the right call to make. as much as I believe what you guys created was pure awesomeness I wish many other cool programmes would make the same decision and finish in the right place instead of continuing and ruining what was once awesome. still hoping to see you guys live one day. been a fan for ages but always in the wrong place at the wrong time.
[…] mundo acordou mais triste, The Flight of the Conchords foi cancelada. Não tô acreditando até agora. Perda irreparável. Deixe um […]
We will miss your show..that’s for sure..Thank god for the cd’s and the dvd’s…But please come to Europe for a tour…and why not Greece???Me and my friends alone can fill a small theatre..Believe it or not..
Wish you all the best for your next
I’m not crying, it’s just been raining on my face
Sorry to hear that guys but I think your decision is right. Thanks for 2 great seasons!
Loved your show. Very inovative and funny. Admire your decision, but will miss the show all the same. Have seen all of your movie performances Jemaine. Keep up the great work.
Well…. this sucks.
Good on you guys. The show was fabulous, and while many people want it to continue, you wrapped the series up perfectly. It’s better to call it on a high note than to drag something on and risk suffering quality. Though I do hope to see you two tour together again someday. After all, live is always the best.
I respect you guys going out on a very strong note and hanging onto your artistic integrity.
Selfishly, though, I would have loved a third-season, even if it was not quite as good as seasons one and two. BEST!
Wait, is this news bad, or normal?
Your show was so amazing. I can’t believe it’s gone. The finale great. I too would love to see a season 3 but i get it. Much success to you two guys and please never forget your fans.
Well done fellas! Your show will be something I will always remember. Thank you for some of the funniest, delightful moments on television
Well done. All the best in your future endeavours (which is the slightly more correct way of spelling ‘endeavors’).
Am I considered a racist if, when I read all of your comments, I read them as if you have New Zealand accents?
i’ve got hurt feelings, i’ve got hurt feelings!
Like Fawlty Towers and The Office, you gave us two seasons of perfection. I’m looking forward to whatever you come up with next, even if it’s just these hysterical bits on your news page every few days. Thanks, guys!
Aw man. Please come back someday for a Christmas special or something. Not only will I miss Brett and Jemaine….but I think I will miss Murray the most…
Crushed! Just so, so crushed! Imagine telling Mel this news, multiply that by 1000 and you are still nowhere near to fathoming my sadness upon hearing such news.
I’m going to miss your show so, SO much, you guys! Now there will be no comedic brilliance on my American television set. We’ll just have to watch your DVDs over and over again while crying.
Please, please come out with a movie and definitely, more songs and touring.
Lots of love and appreciation to you both. Bright blessings for your future endeavors (Sounds like I’m signing your high school yearbook, eh?). Don’t fade away – okay?
I like you guys – but I’d still fight you both just for the heck of it.
No Christmas special? Not even maybe? For next year?
No possibility of a movie?
I’m so sad.
Mel would understand my deep sadness.
The real Bret and Jemaine may continue to exist, but what if my favorite character was Murray?
[…] got some bad news, if you haven’t heard yet. It was officially announced today that there will be no more new Flight the Conchords episodes, ever. Frowny face! Flight of […]
oh god
I’ve watched the 2 seasons more than a hundred times.
It’s the best thing, i’ve ever seen in my whole life & it makes me laugh hard
I hope you guys change your minds and think about it.. think think about it.
Ahmed (Egypt)
I really, really, really, really want this to not be true.
No! No, no, no!
Take a year, secretly writing new songs and a script for season 3, and sell it to HBO. I want, no, I NEED a season 3 of Flight of The Conchords. So you better get to work guys, and if you need some ideas, just send me a mail! So no excuses, get working.
[…] two albums later, the comedy duo known as the Flight Of The Conchords are calling it quits. Click here to read the official statement on their website. Jemaine Clement will next appear in the animated […]
Please keep us posted as to when new albums are released or if you are doing concerts in Phoenix, AZ. I’ll by the 2 season DVD and keep laughing to it! Love you! Miss you! Maryk
Nooooo! two seasons? that’s it? I can see just taking a break for a little while. but to just cut off at 2 seasons is sort of a slap in the face to the viewers.
You’ll be missed, but I understand. Thank you so very much for providing two seasons of hilarity. I’ll treasure the DVDs for many, many years…
Hope you may still consider an tour now and then…?
Take care!
thanks for the fun ride. my son and i caught your show in berkeley last summer…waited until one or so in the am to say thanks…this will have to do. db will be sad, but life goes on. we look fwd to your future career choices! cheers!
Oh, you get a little fame and off you go, doing what *you* want to do. Why not think of me for a change?
Bruce is right. Did you even stop to consider what Bruce wanted? No, because its all about you guys.
waaaah, how else will an ‘amaorican’ get her ocassional dose of kiwi humor and kiwi style? looking forward to your next project and please, please for the love of milo make sure that those of us in the northern hemisphere can get access to it. kia kaha!
[…] […]
[…] return for a third season of the show we ranked the 14th best of the decade. Says the band on their official site: Bret, Jemaine and James (co-creator/director) said “we’ve noticed the less we say about the […]
Flight of the Conchords,
Sad news but I’ll continue to support you both and your talented crew on future endeavors. I can’t wait for more creative FotC goodness!
Hugs from Orlando, Florida!
I was just thinking, you guys should do a movie (I thought this while sitting at the traffic light before I knew there would be no season three…even better, do this in Pittsburgh!
Yes Pittsburgh!!
Even though this was not unexpected, I’m still gutted by this news. Thanks for two spectacularly entertaining seasons. Thanks for exposing us to the wonderfully talented Rhys Davies, Kristen Schaal and Eugene Mirman. Thanks for loads of fun on your U.S. tour stop in Dallas last April. Please don’t stay away long.
What are they thinking?????????? That show was amazing. Flight of the Concords had a long life ahead of itself. The show was only beginining to take off. There was so much more room for the show and characters to grow. I think this is the dumbest decision I have ever heard in my entire life. I’m sure the side characters (Murray/ Mel/ Dave) are devastated. The show was starting to get big, they ruined a once in a lifetime opportunity. WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO YOUR FANS??????
far what a pair of dudes. make a funny show then just totally funk off when its better that 90% of the other horse shizzle on telelvision. to come from where you guys have and do as well as you have, you owe us at least a movie/xmas special. Gervais proved you could do it with the office. he’s never been funny since btw.
everyone else might be all respectful and suck uppy but not me. Leonardo didn’t quit when he painted Mona Lisa. Beatles didn’t quit when they made Sgt Peppers. and Scorcese didn’t quit when he made Taxi Driver. go on, show us some appreciation.
[…] season,” Clement, McKenzie and executive producer James Bobin wrote in a statement on their official site. “We’re very proud of the two seasons we made, and we like the way the show ended. […]
This is sad news. Was it a decision on HBO’s part or did you guys just decide that you didn’t want to do the show anymore?
Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmnnnnnnn IT!!!
This really sucks. I can’t believe no more Murray. What killjoy news to get on a friday.
A little look back at “Conchords” best moments:
kudos to you. Two amazing seasons, and you didn’t let it get old and dry, Say no to greed! and preserve the beauty of the show made!!!!!
Truly a sad day.
No way! i used to watch that show when ever i needed to fall asleep.
I’m not sure if that’s a compliment…
[…] Looks like business time is over for New Zealand comic duo Flight of the Conchords. Bret McKenzie and Jemaine Clement are calling it quits after two television seasons and two musical comedy albums. [Flight of the Conchords] […]
sad. that’s all. i’m just sad. best to all of you (bret, jemaine, james…) whatever you do.
[…] a sad day for fans of HBO’s Flight of the Conchords. Bret and Jemaine release a statement calling it quits after only two […]
Does this mean that New Zealand’s fifth most popular folk parody duo now moves up to fourth?
[…] After lots of speculation, co-creators Bret McKenzie, Jemaine Clement and James Bobin made the announcement on their site. […]
They maybe did what?
thanks ricky gervais. you started this trend of make 1-2 seasons and then leave forever. the office, extras, flight of the conchords… you bastards. i hate u.
[…] But apparently that´s because of a decision by the show creators, as they stated in the show´s official website. […]
Pop fact. I grew up in the same road as James! Titchfield for the win!!!! Remember Garstons James!!! I remember your Dad was a TV presenter as well (and still is?).
You’ve done us proud.
Well that just sucked every ounce of joy out of my life…I seriously feel empty…it was all I had to look forward to.
A thousand thanks for all the laughs and inspiration – powerful antidotes to all the humdrum and gloomy things in this world. Hope you have a wonderful holiday season with loved ones and that the royalty checks guarantee that you will both never ever have to compromise your artistic and personal standards. I look forward to all your new projects – knowing that this is just the start (or somewhere near that) of a beautiful and stellar career. Cheers!
[…] Bret McKenzie and Jemaine Clement, who were nominated for two Emmys last year, told fans on their Web site: “The less we say about the future of the show, the more people want to talk about it. So in […]
[…] the band’s website, Bret, Jemaine and co-creator James Bobin had this to say about the show’s run: Bret, Jemaine and James (co-creator/director) said “we’ve noticed the less we say about the […]
[…] the band’s website, Bret, Jemaine and co-creator James Bobin had this to say about the show’s run: Bret, Jemaine and James (co-creator/director) said â??we’ve noticed the less we say about […]
NoooooooooooooOOOOoooo OOOOOoooooOOoooooo :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
[…] Flight of the Conchord’s website: Bret, Jemaine and James (co-creator/director) said “we’ve noticed the less we say about the […]
Band meeting to discuss season 3…..
{camera pans back to show tear falling down murrays face}
So LAME! Can’t you rack your brains for enough songs to fill more seasons? I am so upset and disappointed by this! I listen to your album in the shower!
If the show is ending, does that also mean that the band is ending? As in, no more tours or albums? Nothing?
did stu make you do this? is that what he’s into? what about a movie?
At least the shows you did make were amazing! I will miss you!
I wanna sing “Leggy Blonde”…. Goodbyeeeee aaaaaayyyyy aaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy
For the record: this isn’t fair…..
It’s sad, because the show was soooo good I always wanted to have some more laughs with another episode. Anyway, I’m sure it hasn’t been a quick decision and if both of you didn’t feel like going further, it’s probably the best choice. Keep up the good work!
Please do a gig in Madrid, Spain!!
you say goodbye and i say hello….hello, hello
Good on ya
Well, actually, in a way, this is kinda’ good. You will have less exposure, so you will be less popular and the next time you tour locally the venue won’t sell out and I can get in to see you.
So look for me. I’m tall.
I look forward to a) supporting both of you in your future endeavors and b) continuing my inappropriate crush on Bret. Your nonexistence would put a damper on these plans, so thank you for remaining actual.
Warm regards and love always … <3
Oh SURE! The “real” Bret and Jemaine get to live on… but Murray Hewitt is dead!
I say spin-off is in order here.
Before you ask, I’m not crying, it’s just been raining…on my face. But seriously, I second the guy who said you should make a movie, it should be like the Sopranos. You ended with kind of a big cliffhanger, so you could make a movie to answer the big questions. Including all of the characters, of course. And with tons of musical numbers. And don’t say you can’t do it, because I know you can. I expect a lot from you boys
I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What did I do to deserve such treatment?
Why? Why? Why?
I would have bought the third season DVD, and I would have illegally downloaded all the new songs! What else do you want? I would buy your second hand underwear on eBAy!
[…] season,” Clement, McKenzie and executive producer James Bobin wrote in a statement on their official site. “We’re very proud of the two seasons we made, and we like the way the show ended. […]
A very expected decision, this, but it leaves me a bit melancholy nonetheless. Well, dubbed-video-dubs don’t wear out, so the show is there to watch and treasure for a long, long while.
Good for you all, Jemaine, Bret and James for making the choice that is best for you. I, along with so many others, will continue to look forward to any and all collaborative or individual excellently creative future endeavors!! (pssst. I did hear you guys put on a pretty fair live show. Just sayin’.)
All the best, guys!! Hope to see you again soon and thanks!
[…] (Mackenzie) who were nominated for 4 Emmys in 2008 and 6 more in 2009, announced on their website the end of the runway for their TV […]
Sorry to hear
Thank you for two great seasons!!!, and I hope to see you back!
My mom and I are really upset you guys aren’t going for another season. WHY NOT YOU CRAZIES!!!?!??!
This is bittersweet. I’d like to give Thanks…
for giving us something to think think about,
thanks for Garfunkling,
bird flipping lessons,
getting us laid on wednesday nights,
helpful predictions of the distant future,
a true insight to hobb- I mean Kiwi life,
thanks for introducing us to other great comedians,
thanks for referencing to our fan art,
Thank you both for giving us something to smile about.
My eyes are welling with tears. I no longer have a reason to exist.
Oh, I’m sooo sad..I was looking forward to season 3. How could you do this to us???
I am so sick to my stomach now….ughhhhhh
[…] season,” Clement, McKenzie and executive producer James Bobin wrote in a statement on their official site. “We’re very proud of the two seasons we made, and we like the way the show ended. […]
What the hell? Who in the world are Bret and Jemaine? This is so weird!
noooooo wayyyyyyyyyy!
Nooo, i loved this show and was so excited for some new material.
[…] on the Flight of the Conchords website: “…we are today announcing that we won’t be returning for a 3rd season. We’re very […]
Oh well, it was a good run. I really enjoyed it! Hope you guys continue with different projects in the future that keep up the FotC humor. The Miami concert you gave us is something that I will never forget. I still have my hat that you all signed. Good luck with everything else then!
[…] confirming the news on their website, stars Bret McKenzie and Jemaine Clement said “We’re very proud of the two […]
Very sad. My friends’ and my favorite show. Hopefully, Comedy Central or someone else will pick you guys up.
Best of luck
Sad news but You’re the best! Will be watching for your creativity.
Want you to know that you have fans in Ukraine (xUSSR).
[…] has been circulating for quite some time now, Bret McKenzie and Jemaine Clement have confirmed on their website that they’re done for good. We’re sad to see these funny musical hipsters go, and in […]
How did all of these supposed “fans” not already know this?
I look forward to your next tour and the inevitable feature film.
[…] Via FlightOfTheConchords […]
i hate you. i love you. nevermind. no worries. your show changed me. i’m taller.
Good decision. I’m from england and think its a shame that US tv series will go on and on and on if its geting a good tv audience. Best to leave it after two awesome series rather than ruining it with endless series, steadily declining in originality and quality. Like The office (UK version), they kept it to two series (plus 2 specials), and now it has a fantastic legacy, and seen by many as the greatest british comedy of all time.
Its not too late to change you minds and do another season. Seriously, it doesn’t even have to be an entire season. I’d settle for 1/2 a season.
This is sad news to hear! My best friend and I would watch the shows religiously! I couldn’t find any funnier dry humor on TV, and it was exciting to watch the Flight of the Conchords when I was feeling down!
It’s unfortunate news, but i do hope someday you’ll return!
I will be quietly sobbing forevvverrr…while I watch seasons 1 & 2 over and over…..BUT I’m excited for future Bret & Jemaine
You know, CC might be a great place for you guys. I though you were hilarious and unique. Until you appear somewhere else, I will continue to watch Bonnaroo audience tapes to get my fix.
So much fun! A mini-tradition for my family. Perfectly balanced humor: Middle-intellectual-fantastic-slightly silly-brow. Come up with something again and best wishes.
Thank you for the closure. I guess I can get Carol Lynn to stop sending you those items now.
There are no adequate words to explain the impact of happiness you’ve bestowed on this inked pony. There’s a place inside me that will always be designated Flight Of The Conchords parking only!
You continue to be my angels on the other side of the globe.
One question…so important:
Is this the end of your musical union, as well?
That would be too sad. Please don’t make the UK your last stop (no offense – I love England, but hey…we’ve got the real deal Mexican food in LA. & I hear you get those cravings).
Bret & Jemaine, you are forever loved by a gazillion strangers.
Not a bad return, in the end.
this sucks.
HBO wasn’t playing nice? Were they Chapelling you?
Is this like Family Guy. Where they tricked us into thinking they weren’t coming back.
If not I’m depressed
they could have easily made a 3rd season i have both seasons i hope that one day they will change their mind and come back to out tv screens
SON OF A BITCH! Please say it ain’t so.
First Arrested Development and now FOTC? Back to terrible scripted television I suppose.
[…] McKenzie, Jemaine Clement and James Bobin – the shows creators – posted on their website that the show will not be returning for a third […]
Well, I guess I can forgive you IF you promise to come to Pittsburgh Pennsylvania for a concert!
omg .
my life is actually over .
i can not even believe this.
you guys can’t just quit !
no other show had this genius .
Ahh genmtlemen, fair enough – when you have to move on, you have to move on! So many thanks for all the laughs, you guys are brilliant. Just be sure to know that even here in Australia, we love ya’s all!
You guys created some very unique television that often had me laughing my ass off. I mean, holy crap, I absolutely loved ‘Business Time’ and many, many others! Sincere thanks for all you’ve done. I can’t even imagine how many hours must go into a single episode with all the song writing, lip sync-ing the show, plus all that bothersome TV recording stuff. Hats off to you! P.S. On a business note (who’s present?), I hear there’s gig opportunities available for New Zealand bands in Denver!
This is a shame,
I was really looking forward to it
The two awesome seasons were enough. It must have been exhausting for you guys to film every episode, as everyone would probably guess your show isn’t the normal run-of-the-mill sitcom.
I’ve watched both seasons many times, it’s right up there with Seinfeld for me, your brand of comedy just doesn’t get old.
About bloody time!!!
Now you can come home for lambing season!
So Upsetting.
In an age where I’m completely bored with music, you guys gave me the one thing my life was missing and I laughed untill my sides split. I have to admit, “Business Time” has started a few love making sessions with my beautiful fiance who does a striptease to it, that you’d have to see to believe. Too bad I won’t be seeing you guys on my tele anymore except in re-reuns, to which I have spread FOTC gospel to all my friends. Wish you both the best… Come back to my TV anytime. You’ll always be welcome in my home.
very sad news but i think the show allowed you guys to develop even more as performers!
look forward to any other material you guys will produce!
You know we love you but we’re crying 24 karat gold diamond tears.
Always best to go out with the fans wanting more.
P.S Why not tour and do Glastonbury??
so you won’t be back for a third season…but what about a fourth? I’ll just pretend you’ll be back then.
Thanks for all the memories!
Can I move to New Zealand? Do you need a gardener? Seriously. Will they kick me out of New Zealand and back to the United States? I want to see all the endemic animals and conifers. I love New Zealand hip hop.
I am sooooo sad. I must have more!!!!!!
Abolutely can see why they did it.
Think Fawlty Towers…think The Office(uk version of course)
Quit while you are ahead and the show will maintain maximum cult status forever.
Wise…very wise
Coolness! I *HATED* this stupid show! …liked it better when it was called “Tenacious D” (you know, before the Conchords efftards hijacked the concept).
Good luck, Conchords! I hear Cinnebons is hiring!
In the history of wrong there have been many overachievers, but you have made them all look like amateurs on open-mike night. The Conchords are the gold medal standard for sit-folk-com, and Tenacious D are a one-gag concept that has gone on for too long. Could it be that you are threatened by the animal magnetism of New Zealand’s third Most Popular Folk Parody Duo? The Conchords don’t do tributes. They do the real thing.
Long Live the Conchords!
Dirk, I will say you must be on crack, The Conchords as well as Tenacious D are both unique and original, with duo partners that go together better than most in history. for example the previously used duo of simon and garfunkel. they are both amazing bands with originality flowing from their instruments.
4th most popular.
like tenacious D was the first comedy music duo.
[…] Original Post: December 10th | Flight of the Conchords. […]
I was seriously looking forward to the next season…I’m from Europe (a hungarian), my best friend is an Aussie( a Queenslander)…you guys got the best audience…
For me, you guys are the must have.
Hello there. Me too
What a coincidence, hungarians everywhere. 
Guys you seriously should reconsider this thing. It was one of the best tv shows ever.
I just discovered you guys, What’s next? Your show is one of my favorite….. ever, no kidding!
Not one season too soon!
What am I supposed to do with my time now? I’m so sad, this is the worst thing ever! It was like the best show ever, seriously! I was in love with Jemaine too.
Guess the well of creativity ran dry. Too bad. I liked your show.
Things to do instead of being unhappy:
1. Visit the cheap zoo
2. Steal a cushion from the library
3. Wear an eyepatch
4. Think about the pepileptic dogs
5. Return the cushion
6. Lose depth perception-stop wearing eyepatch
7. Do the Robot-and the Robo-boogie
8. Play with this Sims 3 Bret and Jemaine instead
9. Band Meeting
10. Become an expert icing cookies so you can make the little glasses and the little beard
11. Have a singsong in a bowling alley with someone who is your friend/not your friend.
Remember, sometimes the taste of love is likened to milk of a cow who has done nothing wrong
[…] has been circulating for quite some time now, Bret McKenzie and Jemaine Clement have confirmed on their website that they’re done for good. We’re sad to see these funny musical hipsters go, and in […]
GUYS!!! DONT GO! you are my all time favourite band! “wanna see my picture f jermaines lips?” “poppin off the top of this Oesophagus” “foux du fa fa” “makin love for 2 minutes” come on guys dont leave it at that. if your gonna stop the show, i hope you still make more awesome albums.
im the mother flippin’
[…] are calling it quits. ‘We won’t be returning for a 3rd season,’ wrote the duo on their official site. ‘While the characters Bret and Jemaine will no longer be around, the real Bret and Jemaine […]
[…] Flight of the Conchords break up […]
[…] The Flight of The Conchords. The duo turned hunch into reality last week as they announced via their website that the show is done after 2 successful seasons. […]
Damn it.
Oh well, I guess I can forgive them. As long as they do some more U.S. touring soon.
[…] lo tienen [Wikipedia] [Vía Oink] # No habrá 3ª Temporada de Flight of the Conchords, oooooh [Su Blog] # Video Mongolo inclasificable: ¡Ayúdame! (yo tengo muchos quereceres) [Youtube] [Zanks Gas!!] # […]
Good move. The second series was less stark and eclectic. The first benefited by being a bunch of songs glued together by some vague plot. Jermaine and the other one interact awkwardly and so should the scenes.
The Young Ones was fresh, disjoint and anarchic for two whole series and stopped on a high. FotC should follow suit.
More power to you. Concentrate on the amusing and clever songs you do. They’re good enough for radio!
[…] other pop culture “death” news, it is official -according to Bret and Jermaine themselves – that the Flight of the Conchords HBO series is no more. This isn’t that shocking, since the […]
Thanks for 2 amazing seasons! Kudos to you 3 plus everybody else who believed the show was something worth making well, and not just WELL, but EXTRAORDINARY! Without doubt, this is my favorite show of all time and I look forward to anything else you guys want to offer to us fans. Also, a question: if you guys decide to put out a special edition of the 2 seasons one day (soon, I hope
can you add bloopers, interviews, and other good stuff from S1 and even more from S2? Also, it’d be great if you could include the teasers and Mel vlogs and any other random tape that might be lying around. I’d offer to edit the stuff – for free – if you need extra hands/cheap labour. LOL. Sorry to be needy but you can bet a “Definitive Collection” of this show would sell out like hotcakes…Thanks for all you do. You guys are the best!!!
It’s been real. My heart sank a little (No, a lot) when I heard this news and was actually disbelieving at first. I’m so thankful I got to see you guys in Atlanta earlier this year.
You guys have provided my friends and I with countless laughs and tears, from all the laughing. Ah. I’ll miss it so very much.
This is terrible news. You should consider taking more time to make a new season. We can wait an extra year.
All I need is another album. Please tell me you will make more.
[…] the Conchords, the musical comedy duo of Bret McKenzie and Jemaine Clement have released a statement via their website that they will not be doing a third season, and have absolutely no plans to continue Flight of the […]
Too bad. Funniest show on television.
oh noes! i will miss those sexy accents and awkward cuteness. in addition to more albums, maybe the boys can narrate audio books as well? reference books about penguins? or erotica with lots of ‘six’.
has anybody thought to ask, ‘how is mel taking this?’
[…] we made and we like the way the show ended,” reads the post. “While the characters Bret and Jemaine will no longer be around, the real Bret and Jemaine will continue to […]
HAH somebody mentioned faulty towers…
Hey do you guys need a manservant? I play guitar and I’ll totally cook and clean for ya if I can come hang out in Kiwiland… I’ve heard there’s an awesome ‘busking’ scene there… I used to busk a lot in the U.S. its a lot of fun…
I’ll same sex marry you for the dual citizenship if you same sex marry me for the dual citizenship
We could make you guys real live U.S. citizens and we can all like make a shitload of money in LA then take it back to NZ >:^)
Are you guys gonna be making any U.S. appearances, like summer festival circuit maybe? I never got a chance to catch you live, cause when I was at the same events as you I didn’t know what the act was! I could kick myself!
man now that its hittin me, I’m real sad… I play in bands in the states and we’ve all gotten together to watch FotC for years now! You guys realize that you like started a whole genre before you there were MAYBE a handful of comedy bands, now I see them constantly…
You guys rock, friend me up on facebook ( Robbie Skye ) or myspace ( aceinthewhole ) if you want… I’m a U.S. recording artist…
Say it isn’t so!! I have been a (Mel-like) fan since your HBO concert. I have been converting disbelievers ever since. Please at least do a SITC & make a movie. That should bring you a new generation of fans. Love you guys!
Amen Dirk!
Conchords Forever!! (mind the irony)
[…] Conchords dropped on December 10. That’s when the series’ creators published a post on their website announcing the end of the show after just two […]
Oh no!
Well, i suppose you do right; quit while you’re ahead, and all, but it’s all over before it began, for me, being an admittedly recent fan.
Are you sure you’ll never even come back for a Christmas special sometime in the future!??
Well, at least there’s a UK tour to look forward to!
And if you need someone to water the flowers to feed your sheep, I´ll move to New Zealand because I have rivers in my eyes.
Yes, I´m crying!
You need to bring it back! Very funny.
Nooooooooooo. You guys are so awesome. I watch reruns from the first 2 seasons all the time. Hopefully we will see more of you guys in the future.
Goodbye to the leggy blonde and to the next season – but you have left us with wonderful shows and songs. You guys try to arrange a tour stop or two in St. Louis, Missouri, OK?
You are well-loved.
I just discovered this gem and now it has been snatched from under me.
The HBO program is the funniest thing on television and a terrific vehicle for your music and comedy.
Please reconsider continuing the series in the same or some modified form.
I’ve got hurt feelings.
[…] which was mildly disappointing following the hilarious first season. On December 10th, it was announced that they would not return for a third season. The songs are typically performed as part of the […]
come on, guys! im thinking, maybe you could do what you normally do (tours and stuff) for a year, possibly 2, so you have enough time to write original songs, then come back to HBO with those songs and do a 3rd season. Besides, I love when you guys break into a song in the show that has nothing do do with what was going on earlier! (bowies in space, any1?)
Although i know where you guys are coming from with the end it while you are still a legend but YOU CANT!!! you guys are two who not only make amazingly funny music but your show has meaning and teaches people. I saw you guys in santa barbara california when you guys were touring and i must say it was the best concert I’ve been to ever. Don’t listen to any of those people who said last season wasn’t funny, it was better then the first just in different ways. think about all those TV shows that have like five or six seasons, you guys at least have to make one more. like David Bowie always said…
“legends dont die unless they fade away.”
so you guys cant end your journey here. you guys cant let yourself fade.
Im in a band and i know how hard it is to write music so don’t worry how long it takes you to write your next season it will only make people more excited. I respect your choice if you don’t want to make another season but please listen to me and every other fan and consider another season.
that’s a real bummer…I loved your show–not too many shows leave me crying from laughing so hard. I hope you guys will seek out some other sources of funding and reconsider giving a third season a go.
in any event, all the best. too many dicks on the dance floor.
[…] пару лет, но я не знаю…: вы, что вы думаете? Путь | официальный Blog Flight of the Conchords В: Пошло Телевидение! | у ‘ Flight of the Conchords ’ могло бы […]
No, I’m not crying. I’ve just been peeling some onions. I’m making a lasagna….for one.
Much love, B & J…yeaa, the abbreviation of your names was kinda weird, will avoid doing that in the future
you will be missed though
I suppose I’ll still have Demetri Martin for a while…
Tour it up!
[…] although that was taking a pair of years, but I do not know…: you what do you think? Route | official Blog of Flight of the Conchords In: TV goes! | ‘Flight of the Conchords’ might have no third period Posted […]
So sad that you quit your show. It was better than Seinfeld. I was am so mad it was canceled. It is just like when Star Trek of Family Guy got canceled, except you both wanted to end it. too bad. I miss your show. Sorry to hear that the characters no longer exist but am happy that the two comic geniuses continue to exist. I am going to buy the DVDs and I look forward to a movie or special or a tour.
[…] up Rob Thomson from New Zealand so I can lament over the fact that Flight of the Conchords is not returning for another season. Well that, and the fact that Thomson uses a trailer on his longboard. For some […]
Sad… I hope to see your comic brilliance again in the future!
A very sad 54 year old with a very sad 19 year old….Loved this show and still laugh when I think of the gang episode…..Wish you all the best but wish you would change your minds……Canada loves you
I’m not cryin, no I’m not cryin! It’s just bin rainin on my face!
It’s a sad thing that you won’t be able to make season 3 but also can understand it. You’ll always have your faithful following and I’m sure we all look forward to seeing what all of you do in your ever growing careers:)
All the best, Jemaine, Bret and talented crew.
<3 Your Canadian Fan;)
I’m sorry that Conchords won’t be back. There was some gold in the second season. Murry’s opera thing in the first episode. That Lord of the Rings spoof – “We’ll never make it . . . we made it!” Classic stuff. This was one of the shows I really looked forward to.
I met an australian two weeks ago.
He was a fan from flight of the conchords…
You selfish bass turds! I hate you all for not making a season three. I burned my season 1 and 2 DVDs because of this announcement.
Thanks for wasting two seasons of my life! Arseholes!
— From Marq Zooland, Tennessee, USA
p.s. USA kicks all other countries asses, including New Zealand’s. Canada is OK though.
Agreed, except for the Canada part.
Loved the show, sorry to see it go. Wish you all well!
You’ve got to be kidding me. Is this an effort to mix it up or are they for real? Tres mal!
Canada loves FOTC. Don’t go, please don’t go!
Thanks for making me laugh and smile so much. I am looking forward to seeing whatever comes out of your amazing creative talent next!
I’ll miss Ginger Balls the most.
I’ll miss Ginger Balls more than the most. I dream of his gingerness…
this is depressin me and my boyfriend just watch the seasons over and over again. just make a third dammit!
i need some more rhymenoceros!!
2 Seasons? That’s it!? Come on guys, really? This is a joke, right? Please say it’s a joke. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE… oh, hahaha…funny. Ok, you got me. The show is “canceled”… or is it? (See you next season