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November 11th

Bret is still trying to dream a song. Jemaine suggested he eat cheese before bed. Bret has placed small pieces of cheese on his pillow so that he can snack throughout the night.

8 Responses to “November 11th”

  1. Nik

    Brie is the best choice for catchy hooks.

  2. Will David Bowie whisper it to him in that dream?

  3. Sylwia

    Jemaine, why don’t you hum Bret the melody you came up with and hummed in the World Talk Radio interview (weird interviewers but you were great;)?

    Not that the melody would make Bret sleep but… you know… to give him some idea.

  4. Jennine

    he needs to sleep with a cymbal banging monkey toy

  5. Jennine

    or get an “organ grinder” monkey. The monkey is the key.

  6. mockingbird

    So if the next Conchords album is a bit cheesy we’ll know why. (Sorry, couldn’t resist)

  7. SheWolf

    Gorgonzola is my muse

  8. Xochitl Fregoso

    I though I was the only one that did that!

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